Monday, March 25, 2013


On Friday the 22nd of March we had our first School Carnival. It was a day full of delicious food, fun activities, and very busy students. It was an excellent learning experience for students, they had to plan and execute their business proposal. Here are some photos of the day:

Below, write a comment noting:
- 1 positive experience
- 1 thing that you would change for next time
- 1 thing you found interesting


  1. positive: the stalls were quite cheap.
    minus: the hose took ages to work on our waterslide
    interesting: that we could win a ride in a ferrari!


    -one positive thing is that we all had a great time and sold our food well
    -on the other hand a negative thing is that some of the stalls at our school didn't make enough money to cover the cost's of how much they spent(but most of it would have been a donation from the kids)
    - an interesting thing is that we sold out(well everything but the pancakes:)

  3. a positive is the people that bought them liked the pancakes
    a negative is that we didn't sell as many pancakes as we would have liked
    an interesting thing is that someone managed to get hold of a dunk tank

  4. CARNIVAL !!!!!!

    POSITIVE: My group (Waterslide) had heaps of people coming and going down it, yet we only made $50 something.
    NEGATIVE: There were heaps of people going down without paying and when we asked if they payed some of them lied.
    INTERESTING: Some of the other stalls/prize draws were very different. One of them was you could win a FREE ride in a Ferrari !!!!! and there was a dunking tank.

  5. Hi.

    Positive is we got a lot of money which is good! and the pancakes were yummy!
    Negative is it was soo hot to work in but it was still fun!
    Interesting: All the stalls like the dunking tank and waterslide!!

  6. positive-we got the most money for the group and every one liked our spiders.
    negitive-we ran out of the ingrediants for the spiders to quickly
    interesting-that we had a raffle to have a rid in a farrari awsome

  7. skyla. asdfghjkl3/27/13, 4:27 PM


    *positive* we had a great time!!!
    *negative* we needed to bring more dish washing liquid!!!
    *interesting* i think everyone in our team went on the waterslide!!!

  8. My positive thing was getting yummy food and getting time to play with my friends.
    My negative was have to work lots.
    My interesting thing was how it all turn out.

  9. Hi,
    POSITIVE:That lots of family's showed up and had fun! :)
    NEGATIVE:We didn't have enough cups (for spiders) to keep selling them for the rest of the day.
    INTERESTING:What some classes came up with for their stalls, there were a lot of food stalls.


  10. It was an awesome day lots of people had a great time. What was best of all is that our stall "food to feed" sold out of our sherbet in the first 15 minutes that was a really good thing because I helped to make it. Charlotte

  11. Positive thing:our stall made heaps of money. :)
    Negative thing:people kept littering in front of our stall. :(
    Interesting:we basically got sold out.
